Monday, March 22, 2010

Speaking of a Turtle Vision

by theseventhgeneration
When you see something like this from a distance, all you can think is "this has got to be good"...The hole is a half meter high.There is an old quarry nearby, so I'm not sure what to say about that hole, other than the obvious nuchal notch, of course.

From a different angle, the rock in the foreground has a strange look to it.No wedge that I could see, although I didn't remove all that debris. There is a wedged rock a bit further down the hill, but I'll post about that later.That boulder hole is causing me to think hard about this site, but I still don't know what to make about both of these sites. There is definitely a mix of activity at both.


Norman said...

My first thought was, "how was the hole made?" Is it natural, artificial, or a combination of the two? Are there any tool marks visible? It certainly looks like a turtle carapace to me.

theseventhgeneration said...

The outer edge of the hole looks worked, but the inside looks worn.

pwax said...

Looking at the rock surface on the upper left, the rock seems to have a natural tendency to develop scalloped breaks; different from the main cleavage planes.

Tim MacSweeney said...

Are those clumps of trees growing out of rock piles here and there??

theseventhgeneration said...

It's possible, but I didn't nose around there enough to say for sure. I could feel rocks all over (under foot) near the boulder. It's hard to say if they were organized into piles because it felt like they were everywhere. There are obvious rock piles just a bit over to the west and north of the turtle boulder, where there are fewer trees (and less leaf cover on the ground). I have some pictures of those, and will post soon.